My sister Sarah and her husband Ryan are expecting their first child in late July and my brother Jordan and his wife Erin are expecting their first child late august! Everyone is so excited to be having 2 babies around soon! We have been waiting a long time for one of them to announce they were pregnant, but no one expected it was going to be so close together! We couldn't be more thrilled!!!!! My brother and his wife found out a few weeks ago that they were having a boy and we were so excited! My sister decided she wanted to have a gender reveal party to announce what they were going to have. We had the party yesterday at my parents house and my grandma came over and Ryan's parents drove all the way up from San Antonio. We were also able to skype with Ryan's grandparents and facetime with my Jordan in Cali! It was so much fun!
In our family being Irish is something to be proud of and celebrate! So having the party the weekend of St. Patricks day made for the perfect Irish themed party.
Most of us were sure it was going to be a girl! Everyone was shocked when we saw the blue balloons. But I am so excited to be having 2 nephews! They are going to best buds at just one month apart!